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In the Russian language, adjective agreement can be a tricky concept for non-native speakers to grasp. However, understanding the rules of Russian adjective agreement is essential for effective communication and clear writing.

Adjectives in Russian agree with the gender, number, and case of the noun they modify. This means that the ending of the adjective changes depending on these factors. Let`s break down each element of adjective agreement in more detail.


Russian nouns are either masculine, feminine, or neuter. The gender of the noun determines the ending of the adjective. For example, if we have the noun “дом” (dom), which means “house,” and we want to describe it as “big,” we would use the adjective “большой” (bolshoy). However, if we have the feminine noun “книга” (kniga), which means “book,” and we want to describe it as “big,” we would use the feminine form of the adjective, which is “большая” (bolshaya). Similarly, if we have the neuter noun “окно” (okno), which means “window,” the adjective would be “большое” (bolshoe).


Russian nouns can be singular or plural, and the ending of the adjective reflects this. For example, the masculine noun “стол” (stol), which means “table,” would take the singular adjective “большой” (bolshoy), while the plural form “столы” (stoly) would take the plural adjective “большие” (bolshie).


Russian nouns have six cases – nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional. The case of the noun determines the ending of the adjective. For example, if we have the noun “книга” (kniga) in the genitive case, which means “of the book,” and we want to describe it as “interesting,” we would use the genitive form of the adjective, which is “интересной” (interesnoy).

It`s important to note that not all adjectives follow the same pattern of agreement. Some adjectives have irregular endings or stem changes, while others don`t change at all in certain cases. Additionally, there are some exceptions to the rules of agreement, particularly with foreign words and loanwords.

In conclusion, understanding Russian adjective agreement is crucial for effective communication and clear writing. By paying attention to the gender, number, and case of the noun being modified, one can ensure that their adjectives are correctly formed and convey the intended meaning. Practice and familiarity with the rules of agreement will help non-native speakers improve their Russian language skills.