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As much as we value friendship, it is important to protect ourselves from financial or legal issues when we lend money to a friend. We might think that a handshake or a verbal agreement is enough to seal the deal, but without a written contract, we risk losing our money and our relationship.

A contract when you lend money to a friend is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the loan. It specifies how much money is borrowed, the interest rate, the repayment schedule, and any penalties for late or missed payments. It also includes the names and signatures of both parties as well as a witness or notary public.

Here are some reasons why having a contract is crucial when lending money to a friend:

1. It clarifies expectations

A contract sets clear expectations and responsibilities for both the lender and the borrower. It prevents any misunderstandings or disputes that may arise from verbal agreements or assumptions. By putting everything in writing, both parties can refer back to the contract if they have any questions or concerns.

2. It protects both parties

A contract protects the lender from non-payment or default. If the borrower fails to pay back the loan, the lender can use the contract as evidence of the debt and take legal action if necessary. On the other hand, it also protects the borrower from any changes or additional terms that the lender might try to impose later on.

3. It shows good faith

By creating a written contract, both parties demonstrate their commitment to the loan and their respect for each other. It shows that they take the transaction seriously and are willing to follow through with their obligations. It also provides a level of professionalism and transparency that strengthens the friendship and the trust between them.

In conclusion, a contract when you lend money to a friend is a smart and necessary step to protect yourself and your friendship. It may seem awkward or uncomfortable to ask for a contract, but it is a sign that you value your friend and your money. Remember that a true friend will understand and appreciate your caution and responsibility.