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Costa Rica`s Commitment to the Paris Agreement: An Overview

In 2015, 195 countries signed the Paris Agreement, a global treaty aimed at combating climate change by limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius. Costa Rica was one of those countries, and has since demonstrated a strong commitment to the agreement`s goals. Here`s a closer look at Costa Rica`s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect its precious natural resources.


Costa Rica is a small, tropical country in Central America, known for its stunning biodiversity and eco-tourism industry. Despite being a developing country, it has made significant strides in environmental policy, including the establishment of protected areas and a carbon tax. In 2018, President Carlos Alvarado Quesada pledged to make Costa Rica the world`s first decarbonized country by 2050. This ambitious goal aligns with the Paris Agreement`s aim to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Actions taken:

To achieve its carbon neutrality goal, Costa Rica has implemented several measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These include:

1. Renewable energy: Costa Rica generates approximately 98% of its electricity from renewable sources, namely hydroelectric, geothermal, and wind power. The country aims to be 100% renewable in the near future.

2. Sustainable transportation: The government has invested in electric buses and incentivized the use of electric vehicles. Costa Rica also encourages biking and walking for short distances.

3. Reforestation: Although Costa Rica is already one of the world`s most forested countries, it has committed to restoring degraded areas and planting new forests to absorb carbon dioxide.

4. Waste management: The country has implemented a waste separation and recycling program, reducing its landfill waste and methane emissions.


Costa Rica`s commitment to the Paris Agreement has had a positive impact on both the environment and the economy. According to a report by the Global Challenges Foundation, Costa Rica`s ecosystem services provide approximately 10-12% of its GDP, making environmental protection essential for sustainable economic growth. Additionally, Costa Rica`s green image has boosted its tourism industry and attracted foreign investment in renewable energy.


Costa Rica`s commitment to the Paris Agreement sends a strong message to the world that protecting the environment is not only essential for future generations but also compatible with economic growth. By implementing sustainable policies and setting ambitious goals, Costa Rica is demonstrating its leadership in the fight against global climate change.